IBTM5660 Utility Services
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What's New

May 2024
  • Schedule: Useful Information:
    • Summary of Teaching (2023-2024 Spring Term) [PDF]
    • Format of the written examination:
      • Exam type: Open book, proctored on campus (* Students are allowed to bring printed materials or lecture notes on electronic devices. But Internet searching and communication are not allowed.)
      • Answer 5 questions out of 6, each 20 marks (total 100 marks)
      • Each question has 2 to 3 sections: (a), (b), (c)
      • Cover all the study topics
      • Descriptive questions (explain, describe, discuss, draw)
      • Calculations (related to the concepts)
    • Guidance on Exam Preparation: Exam techniques and skills (from Lincoln University):
      • Preparing for tests and exams [PDF]
      • Exam techniques (a summary) [PDF]
      • Examination techniques [PDF]
      • Writing essays in exams [PDF]
    • Past Exam Papers: (available on Canvas)
  • Recommended events:
Mar 2024
Feb 2024
Jan 2024
Nov 2023

ARCHIVES: (from IBTM5660 Utility Services)
ARCHIVES: (from IBTM6010H Utility Services)  

| Created: Nov 2022 | Update: 7 May 2024 |