MEBS6008 Environmental Services II
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  • HKU Dept of Mech Engg
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    Dec 2010
    • NOTICE: Recommended event:
      • 15 Jan 2011 (Sat): ASHRAE HKU Student Branch Technical Visit: Luen Ming Pengshan Air Conditioning Factory [PDF]
    Nov 2010
    • Schedule: 29-Nov-2010 Noise and Vibration Control [PDF][Noise Control Tutorial][Vibration Tutorial]
    • NOTICE: Recommended event:
      • 16 Dec 2010 (Thu): ASHRAE-HKC/CIBSE-HKB/HKIE-BSD Joint Technical Seminar on District Cooling System (DCS): Control and Management for Energy Saving and Plant Optimization [PDF]
    • Guidance on Exam Preparation: Exam techniques and skills (from Lincoln University):
      • Preparing for tests and exams [PDF]
      • Exam techniques [PDF]
    Oct 2010
    • Assignments: Self-evaluation exercises:
      • Exercise 01 – Fluid Network Analysis [PDF]
        • (* For self-evaluation, no need to submit)
        • Solution [PDF]
      • Exercise 02 – Fans and Pumps [PDF]
        • (* For self-evaluation, no need to submit)
        • Solution [PDF]
      • Exercise 03 – Space Air Diffusion [PDF]
        • (* For self-evaluation, no need to submit)
        • Solution [PDF]
    • NOTICE: Recommended event:
      • 30 Nov 2010 (Tue): ASHRAE-HKC Distinguished Lecturer Series – Desiccant Technologies for Dehumidification & Cooling [PDF]
    • Schedule: Proposed date of written exam:
      • Date & Time: 20 Dec 2010 (Mon), 14:30-16:30
      • Venue: Rm 141 Main Building
    • Update of lecture outline: Heat Rejection and Sea Water Cooling [PDF1][PDF2][Thoery+Tutorial]
    Sep 2010 Aug 2010
    • Schedule: Updated teaching schedule and confirmed classroom.
      • First Semester: Monday daytime, 15:00 - 17:30 (2.5 hours), venue: G-07, Main Building
    Jun 2010
    • Schedule: Proposed schedule for 2010-2011.


    | Created: Nov 2004 | Update: 20 Dec 2010 | By: |