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Gammon has been operating in South-East Asia for nearly fifty years and has established a strong reputation across a broad range of construction activities throughout China and the Region.

During the company's history, the policy has been to constantly upgrade their processes and capabilities to meet Client needs and industry developments. As a consequence, Gammon have made a significant investment in Research and Development studying new products and methodologies.

The construction industry has suffered serve criticism during the last two years in regard to quality and performance. Whilst much of the criticism is justified, a contributing factor in the equation is the design a regulatory environment in which the industry operates.

There is little incentive to introduce new methodologies due to the slow approval process in the industry. Gammon Skanska therefore is making its efforts in investing in new techniques, facilities and systems to keep them at the leading edge of the industry.

Gammon operates Quality, Safety and Environmental Management Systems in accordance with the requirement of ISO 9000, OHSAS 18001 and ISO14001. They employed a team of in-house environmental specialist to develop a comprehensive Environmental Management System (EMS). Thanks to their expertise, they had received ISO 14001 certification in Hong Kong, and is planning to achieve similar certification in other regional markets.

About ISO14001


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