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Life Cycle Cost Analysis

It is yet very difficult to analyse on the whole life cycle cost of the Green Site Office while many construction materials of the site office are re-used and imported from the other site of Gammon and the demolition of the structure is yet to be done.

Construction Cost

With the information provided by the site staff, the material of the green roof cost around HK$160,000. With the addition of the labour cost of around HK$40,000, it could be concluded that the approximate cost of the green roof of the site office is around HK$20,000.

Operational Cost

The power consumption of the Green Site Office could be seen from the above charts. Comparisons of the energy consumption of the Green Site Office with the other two types of site offices could be seen very clearly from the shape of the lines. It is very obvious that the power consumption of the Green Site Office is much lower than the other two kinds, especially during hot summer days around May and June.

Maintenance Cost

The green roof had been installed with automatic sprinkler system. Very little supervision is required to provide to maintain the green roof. Only very minimal reed removing work has to be done to the roof and the maintenance work would only involve a person around a few hours each time. Gutters have to be replaced once every two weeks and there would be no other maintenance work done to the Green Site Office since the commencement of the project.

Environmental Cost

As compare to the other type site office, this Green Site Office brought up many environmental benefits which helps to reduce negative impact to our environment and to preserve the natural habitats of our planet.

The design of the Green Site Office reduces many unnecessary environmental costs which conventional site office may usually encounter. For example, the reduction of energy consumption in the Green Office indirectly reduces the emission of green-house gases due to the decrease in use of fossil fuel to generate power. Good planning on the material used and waste management also reduce cost in purchasing unnecessary materials and the cost of waste treatment.


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