Design Concept
The Building is very straightforward. It sits street frontal on Peking Road, with no setback, the tower's formal face is toward the harbour, even though its actual access frontage is to the three other sides, where street exist.

The main circulation areas in One Peking work on multiple levels, with the lift lobbies located at a similar height as the former Marine Police Headquarters' platform. As a result, visual connection remains with the old building in clear view from the lift hall, and physical connections could be established in the future to make the foyer an extension of the public space and a convenient passage to the tourism project.

One Peking's southern facade is a giant, gently curving glass curtain wall culminating in a vast roofline steel screen. As it rises, it bulges first outward, then begins to bend back, like a giant sail, until at its top the building is razor thin. As claim by the architect, the sail-like curvilinear south facade is a reference to the roof profile of the nearby Hong Kong Culture Centre sitting ahead of it on the waterfront.

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