A cooling system that uses sea-water energy stored at night
      - Osaka Nanko Cosmosquare Heating/Cooling System Energy Service Center
Even if the external thermal load on the building is controlled and natural sources of power are used to the maximum, it is still necessary to rely on other sources of power. To cope with this, the most important thing is to choose a high efficiency system and operate it properly. Large energy savings can be accomplished by using the same energy for several different purposes and finding sources of wasted energy that can be used. 

It is difficult for atomic energy-powered electric power generating facilities to suddenly increase or decrease output. To handle peak daytime loads, thermal power-generating facilities are much relied on. By lowering the peak demand curve and spreading power generation more evenly through the day, and the burden on the environment lowered. This heat distribution facility produces ice during the night when demand for electric power is low and then stores it. During high energy- consumption periods, by using the heat obtained from making ice, peak value of chilling water load can be cut by 30% of the normal levels. In addition, sea water is used as a source of heat, which raises the efficiency of the heating system.

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