Course on Building Services Engineering

• Provide basic
knowledge of different building services systems for
multi-skill training
• Acquire practical skills on system concepts, operation
and maintenance
• Arouse interest in building services technologies and
further career development
• Appreciate the basic knowledge of different building
services systems
• Develop practical skills on system concepts, operation
and maintenance
• Enhance learner’s interest in building services
technologies and further career development
Study Topics:
0. Introduction
Fire Services:
1. Fire Services Part 1
1.1 Fire safety and protection [PDF]
1.2 Fire services
regulations and codes [PDF]
2. Fire
Services Part 2
2.1 Fire services systems [PDF]
2.2 Testing, operation and maintenance [PDF]
Resources (Fire
Plumbing and Drainage:
3. Plumbing and Drainage
Part 1
3.1 Cold and hot water systems
3.2 Sanitation and drainage systems [PDF]
4. Plumbing and Drainage Part 2
4.1 Regulations and codes [PDF]
4.2 Practical examples [PDF]
Resources (Plumbing
and Drainage)
5. HVAC Part 1
5.1 Basic principles and practice [PDF]
5.2 HVAC systems and equipment [PDF]
6. HVAC Part 2
6.1 HVAC controls and building management
system [PDF]
6.2 Electrical system for HVAC [PDF]
7. HVAC Part 3
7.1 Practical skills on operation and
maintenance [PDF]
7.2 HVAC trouble shooting and testing [PDF]
Resources (HVAC)
Electrical Services:
8. Electrical Services
Part 1
8.1 Basic principles and practice [PDF]
8.2 Regulations and electrical protection [PDF]
9. Electrical Services Part 2
9.1 Standby power and testing [PDF]
9.2 Lightning protection and earthing
systems [PDF]
10. Electrical Services Part 3
10.1 Lighting design and equipment [PDF]
10.2 Practical skills and considerations
(Electrical Services)