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Europe map showing the climate shift as a result of the glass-envelope


A detailed study of the climatic effects of the glass envelope has been carried out by the architects and engineers of this project in 1994. The education centre will be the first project to apply the results of this research.

The glass envelope creates a climatic shift. It creates a climate close to that of the Mediterranean.

In winter the interior temperatures are less severve, its users will be sheltered from rain and wind. The climatic conditions of the interior buildings is reduced. It is not necessary for the interior buildings is reduced. It is not necessary for the interior buildings to be completely weathertight.

In summer, to avoid overheating, certain elements of the facade will be opened and the glasshouse will be ventilated. The vegetation and refeshing effects of the basin will cool the space. In order to cool the interior buildings, fresh air will be drawn in by tunnels from external zones.







2 winter-temperatures in the glasshouse

3 summer-temperatures in glasshouse

4 number of hours between 9 and 18 h when a temperature is exceeded

Please kindly click the image besides for enlargement.

The chart shows how the temperature varies in different season.








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