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Operating diagram of the central





Beside the solar power generation station, a complex system using a number of environmentally friendly energy sources is erected.

The former mine pitheads on the site release more than one million cubic metres of gas per year containing 60% methane. This gas fuels two co-generation units, producing both electricity and heat.

The electricity is fed into the public power supply system. The heat is used for the academy, new surrounding housing and a near-by hospital.

Exploiting the mine gas will avoid the release of methan into the atmosphere, this will reduce the emission of CO2 by the amount of 12.000 tons per year.

A 1,2 MW battery plant stores the electricial power, balances fluctuations in AC energy production and reduces peak loads. All 3 projects together set up the

energy park Mont-Cenis, pointing the way to an ecological generation of energy.



Compact thermic station - Mine gas

mine gas capacity: ca. 1,000.000 m/3a

methane content: ca. 60%

power (electricity): 506kw

power (heating): 756 kw

energy (electricity): 2.000.000kwh/a

energy (heating): 3.000.000 kwh/a

reduction of CO2 emission: ca. 12.000t/a


Battery Storage

energy: 1.200kwh

power: 1.200kw


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