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Lighting Design

Recessed fluorescent lighting system is used due to its high visual quality and lower power consumption in the same room (see table above). The recessed fluorescent system is with louvers and reflectors which can improve lighting distribution and reduce the glare which is uncomfortable to the occupants. The reflectors concentrate the light down to occupied zone, which help reducing the lighting power density and electricity consumption.

Base Case
Alternative Case
Total number of luminaries
Total number of lamps
Total system watt
6791 W
5116 W
Total lamp watt
5544 W
4176 W
Light power density (for system)
15.98 W/sq m
12.03 W/sq m
Light power density (for lamp only)
13.04 W/sq m
9.82 W/sq m

*Base case: Fluorescent battens (TMS012/236-2xTV-D36W/25)
**Alternative case: Recessed fluorescent with parabolic louvers and reflectors

Sensors were installed in Manager's Room to automatically switch the light off when the user was out.


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