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  Using Nature to Create Comfort
This building comprises three zones: Zone 1 includes the outside atrium and nearby passive spaces, Zone 2 includes the inside atrium and nearby spaces, and Zone 3 is an active space with high-tech facilities.
In Zone 1, natural light, water, fresh air and plants create a relaxed atmosphere for welcoming visitors to the building. Zone 2 is also graced with fresh, comfortable air, and in Zone 3 the sophisticated lighting and air-conditioning control systems create an ideally administered environment for the staff.
Attractive to visitors and comfortable to the staff, each zone exemplifies how pleasant and environment-friendly a working place can be. The facilities point the way to high-amenity spaces of the future where people and nature coexist in harmony.

Taking advantage of the natural environment, this space is both agreeable to people and energy-efficient. The open-air feeling of this inside atrium makes the offices nearby more pleasant and refreshing to work in. Ultramodern architecture and technologically advanced facilities make this a comfortable, energy-efficient and productive work space.

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