Sustainable Architecture Case Studies

Duisburg Nord Landscape Park, Emscher, Germany


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The aims have been achieved through the following main strategies:
1. The renovation of some existing buildings for use in employment projects 
Past - Gasometer
Poster of diving promotion
Diving inside gasometer
2. The preservation of existing vegetation and industrial buildings including huge blast furnaces
Outlook of the park
One of the landscape garden
Path leads to huge blast furnaces 
3. The provision of a variety of leisure activities, and areas for cultural events
Climbing outside the chimney 
Rock climbing 
Performance insides the renovated building 
4. As part of the whole Emsher Park regeneration programme, the reconstruction and cleaning of the River Emscher where it passes through the park
Reconsruction and cleaning of the River Emscher and a network of clean water is provided for the various gardens
A canal which uses the bed of an old main drain
Aquatic Park
5. An 'industrial history trail' and 'project trail' have been created as a means of exploring and understanding the site
Views along the trail 
6. The creation of seven 'development areas' within the site
Courtyard in between the factory installations
Mineral deposit gardens - their walls are two meters thick and
had to be perforated to provide access to them
Piazza Metallica - a quiet square surrounded by yards of piping,
tanks and chimneys provides space for vegetation
Renovated factory installations 

Plate on Piazza Metallica

Farn garden
7. Alternative sources of energy are provided
Wind-powered energy is used to purify the water

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