More than 110 fume cupboards and safety cabinets installed to meet health and safety and fume treatment requirements and standards.
Completely enclosed fume cupboard
Eight sets of centralized jet fan systems that support the ventilation needs of the fume cupboards and safety cabinets. The fan design also avoids the conventional "chimney" design for better aesthetics.
After air extracted through fume cupboards is filtered, treated and dehumidified, it must be expelled from the premises. The designer was advised early in the project that a three-metre-high chimney would be required for each of the fume cupboards. The unappealing possibility of grouping the outlets into 20 or 30 clusters of chimneys was raised but ultimately the BSE specified a Canadian air jet fan system -- a high-power unit that blows exhaust in an invisible air column up three metres before dispersion. The solution not only removed the prospect of a forest of metal chimneys above the building but presents a much more favourable image for the building to nearby residents.
Along with the bag-in/bag-out HEPA filtering system for Level III labs and animal houses, the exhaust system is a first for Hong Kong.