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<< Europe

Commerical Buildings

* Commerzbank Frankfurt
> Davies, C., 1997. Commerzbank Frankfurt: Prototype for An Ecological High-rise,
Birkhauser, Basel, Switzerland. [725.2409434164 D26]
> Fischer, V., 1997. Sir Norman Foster and Partners: Commerzbank, Frankfurt am
Main, Axel Menges, Fellbach, Stuttgart, Germany. [723.642B F75 F52]
> Case Study [CalPoly]
> Commerzbank official web site
> Description from Foster & Partners
> Info from Ten Shades of Green
> Strategy for Natural Ventilation

* Daimler Chrysler, Postsdamerplatz, Berlin
> Brief info from Richard Rogers Partnership

* Datapec Headquarter, Gniebel
> IEA Task 23 case stories

* Deutshe Messe AG Hannover Administration Building, Hannover (double skin facade)
> Herzog, T. (ed.), 2000. Sustainable Height: Deutsche Messe AG Hannover,
Administration Building, Prestel, Munchen. [723.643C D4 H]

* Offices for the Ministry of the Environment (UBA), Dessau
> Info from Sauerbruch Hutton Architects
> Info from UBA

* TV World, Hamburg
> Info from Sauerbruch Hutton Architects

* Gotz Headquarters, Wurzburg
> Info from Ten Shades of Green

* GSW Headquarters, Berlin
> Info from Sauerbruch Hutton Architects

* Photonics Centre, Berlin
> Info from Sauerbruch Hutton Architects

* Sony Center, Potsdamerplatz, Berlin
> Brief info from Kajima

* PRISMA, Nuremberg
> Info from Green Building Challenge '98

* RWE Tower, Essen
> RWE Tower Case Study

* Das Dusseldorfer Stadttor Case Study

* GSW office block Case Study

* Hochhaus ARAG 2000, Dusseldorf, Case Study
