Smart Technology

Control System

In the preliminary stage, INTEGER has proposed different control systems on the services for the Pavilion, i.e. Distributed system, the Networks systems and the Open, multi-vendor system.

Centralized Wiring
Tiered Islands of Proprietary Sub-systems
Flat, open, multi-vender

The ideas are further developed into 2 different control systems that can be controlled from internet, they are named the closed system and the open system.

Device Networks (slave sensors and actuators)

The closed system is which the sub-systems are layered connectivity through proprietary controllers / gateways but it restricts access to data, introduces single point of failure, creates performance bottlenecks and increases complexity and associated training and maintenance costs.

Autonomous sensors and actuators on any channel - including Ethernet

With the closed system has such constraints, the open system connects sub-systems seamlessly through intelligent routers. As a result, it enables access to anything from anywhere, improves system reliability, provides scalability, increases flexibility and reduces complexity while increasing functionality.

The INTEGER Pavilion finally adopted a system similar to the open system that the managements and operations of the services can be controlled through web pad or internet.

Further Development of the open system

This open system can be further developed to manage building portfolios, which the building portfolios can be controlled or managed by a centralized internet system.


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